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• High fruit quality
• Small attachment, highly refined fruit
• Excellent flavour and taste
• Excellent disease resistant package

Tomato - Star 9001


  • Type: A determinate, long shelf life tomato hybrid suited to open-field production for the fresh market as a trellised type.

    Maturity: Early to medium maturing variety. In summer plantings the first fruit will mature in 80 - 85 days after transplanting. The date of harvesting may vary by as much as 10 days between early and late season plantings. This needs to be taken into consideration when planning planting schedules under different growing conditions.

    Plant Characteristics: A vigorous, dark green, highly disease resistant plant with a determinate growth habit. Plant height can vary between 1,4 - 1,7 m. At least 3 - 4 wires are necessary to trellis the plant effectively.

    Fruit Characteristics: STAR 9011 has very high quality, deep oblate fruit with an average weight of between 140 - 160 g. STAR 9011 fruit has the unique combination of long shelf life and a traditional flavour. Fruit colour is red to deep red; no green shoulders are present.

    Plant Population: A plant population of 15,000 - 18,000 should be used. In-row spacing should not be less than 35cm between plants.

    Disease Resistance: HR: Verticillium Wilt (Va,Vd), Fusarium Wilt (Fol 1,2), Bacterial Wilt (Rs), Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). IR: Root-knot Nematodes (Ma,Mi,Mj), Powdery Mildew (It), Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV).

    Features & Benefits: STAR 9011 provides the grower with a unique combination of excellent disease resistance and high quality fruit. A very high marketable yield potential due to STAR 9011’s excellent disease resistance package and high quality fruit

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