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• Uniform blocky fruit, with medium walls • Vigorous plant with good canopy, protects against sunburn • Proved variety of well shaped fruits • Ability to set fruit under varying climatic conditions

Sweet Pepper - Star Jupiter


  • Type:

    A open pollinated sweet pepper turning from dark green to deep red on maturity. Suitable for open field production.


    Approximately 75 - 80 days to first pick in summer plantings. The period to first pick can vary considerably depending on the season.

    Plant Characteristics:

    JUPITER have a vigorous plant with good leaf cover preventing sun damage to the fruit. Although not essential JUPITER should be trellised to 2 wires to ensure optimal yield and fruit quality.

    Fruit Characteristics:

    JUPITER have an average fruit mass of 170 grams. Fruit shape is large blocky, on average 10 cm long and 10 cm wide. Quality of the bull-nosed fruit (3 - 4 lobes) is very good, with a very smooth and glossy skin.

    Plant Population:

    Open Field: The plant height will vary between 80 - 120 cm. A tramline support system of 1 - 2 wires is essential to ensure a higher percentage marketable fruit especially if plants are carrying a heavy fruit load. Plant population should be around 20,000 - 30,000 plants per hectare.
    Tunnel Production: Removal of the first flower will improve the plant growth, yield and quality of the fruit. A plant density of 2 plants per square meter is optimal. They should be pruned to 2-3 stems per plant.

    Disease Resistance:

    HR: Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV strain 0).

    Climate Requirements:

    Sweet peppers are frost susceptible and can be grown under a certain range of climatic conditions. These conditions can vary from moderate, cool climates to hotter, subtropical regions. It is important to note that even distribution of heat units is a key requirement for optimal production

    Features & Benefits:

    JUPITER is well known in the industry to be adaptable and stable standard variety in many markets.

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